Why Empower 22?


Help us ensure that adults with I/DD have access to safe, supportive living environments and receive the personal care they need to thrive.


Your donation will contribute to job training and employment opportunities, enabling these individuals to gain independence and a sense of purpose.


We believe in the importance of recreation and social engagement. Our programs will offer various activities and community events to enhance their quality of life.
The Iddeal foundation team
The IDDeal Foundation Team
The IDDeal Foundation Team

How You Can Make a Difference

Donate: Your financial support is crucial in providing the resources for adults with I/DD to navigate this critical transition. 100% of each monthly donation of $22 will be used to directly support our three Pillars of Live, Work and Play.
Spread the Word: Share our mission with your friends, family, and social networks to raise awareness about the challenges adults with I/DD face after turning 22.
Join us in our mission to empower adults with I/DD. Together, we can make a lasting difference and ensure they have the opportunities they deserve to live fulfilling lives. 

Donate to Empower 22 today and be a part of transforming lives.


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